30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #230 – 15th December 2024
Hello again everyone, from John.
Last time I wrote for the Update, my thoughts were of the 12 months since Israel had been attacked from Gaza.
Now, who would have thought that Syria’s President Assad would be overthrown in a remarkably quick rebellion?
Now hundreds of Syrian refugees are trying to return to their homeland. Trying to get home to rejoin their relatives, to be free in their own homes instead of being persecuted by a dictator and his ‘thugs’. Prisoners are being released from jails, men, women and children who were taken off the streets and imprisoned, hidden from their families. What will the future hold for them? Will they have peace, justice and freedom or will another ‘dictator’ or faction arise to make life just as bad as before, we can only pray for them at this time for relief.
As the time for Christ’s birth got nearer, Mary and Joseph must have wondered what life was going to be like when He was born. No new parent knows what to expect at this time and they would have been no different. Mary had the angel’s promises to remember, but she did not know all they entailed. Joseph was perhaps expecting that he would just return to his trade and be able to support his family. They had known there was a long journey to make to Bethlehem, 90 miles which possibly took around 4 days walking, or riding on a donkey even, in difficult countryside. A hilly, dangerous road for a young couple to travel alone, but they may have been in a family group which would have been better.
As we approach Christmas 2024, we do not know what is going to happen in our lives in 2025, or even closer. We hope and make plans, we look forward and pray that God will look after us as we travel our journey in life. As we come towards another Nativity Sunday, celebrating Christ’s birth, may we allow His Spirit to be born anew within us to help us along the next part of our journey with each other and Our God.
PrayerFather, as more unrest and uncertainty comes to the Middle East, we remember the promise of peace and salvation offered by that little child as he grew up all those years ago. We pray for the people of that area that they may find that peace and salvation in Your Love.
Worship Sunday 15th December10.30 a.m will be led by Rev. Dr. Trevor Jamison
Next Sunday, (Nativity Sunday) 22nd December at 10.30 a.m. will be led by Claire.
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
Livestreaming has been stopped for the time being as we have problems with the internet provision. We hope to resume shortly. Past services can be viewed
Bible readingsZephaniah 3: 14-20 – The prophet tells the people their Lord God is with them; he will restore them and deal with their oppressors.
Isaiah 12: 2-6 – Give thanks to the Lord, he has become my salvation, shout aloud and sing for joy people of Zion for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.
Philippians 4: 4-7 – Rejoice in the Lord always, present your request to God and His peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
St. Luke 3: 7-18 – John taught the people about salvation and preached the Good News to them.
Reflection on the readings: –
The first 3 readings are of giving thanks to God for His presence and support. There can be no better way to start a church service than singing a well-known hymn of praise to the Almighty. It lifts the spirits as we join our voices together, no matter how well; singing opens our lungs, encourages our hearts to beat, even if we are not in the best of minds at the time. Sometimes, during the week, we need a bit of encouragement, so look up these readings and I pray that you will find enough encouragement to send you on the rest of today with His praise in your hearts, if not your voices.
At Advent time we are preparing for the Coming of Jesus, Son of God into this world, coming into the presence of those who knew Him. This is the time for John’s message, hearing the Good News, having the opportunity to repent and be saved. The people ask John how they can be saved and he gives them instructions what to do. While those instructions may not be directly applicable to us, they contain the basic Good News message, love one another as the Father loves you.
If we can carry those actions through our lives in the coming days, giving praise to Almighty God and loving others as He loves us, we cannot go far wrong.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Hamper which was delivered to the Bay Food Bank. They were delighted to receive it.
Information from HANDS. There will be no Saturday coffee morning on Saturday 28th December.
Advent Discussion Group
Our fourth and final Advent conversation, based on the Christmas movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” takes place this coming week on the theme of “The Right Perspective” Monday afternoon at 2.00 pm at St Andrew’s URC, Monkseaton; Monday evening on Zoom at 7.15 pm; Thursday night at St Columba’s at 7.15 pm. To join the Monday Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82205024613?pwd=HYT7W2hfebLbpWKbjSQw3YeOPbGHzl.1
Posada Journey Continues – latest update
Having visited fourteen households and all the classes in two local primary schools in the previous fortnight, “Mary” and “Joseph” have a relatively light week ahead of them. They will be visiting and be hosted by another seven Saint Columba’s church households, but are let off having to go to school this week.
Next Update – Sunday 22th December. Trevor will edit the next Update. To get your information in for that date, please have it with him by Tuesday 17th December.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.