A smaller congregation gathered at St Columba’s on Christmas morning to light the fifth candle in our Advent wreath, and celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We sang some Christmas Day carols, showed some presents, played pass the parcel, and remembered in prayer those for whom Christmas may be a difficult time. […]
Christmas Eve carols by candlelight
On Christmas Eve, the candlelit church was packed, with a good number in the gallery. We enjoyed a service of Christmas carols, readings, prayers and reflections, with many of our young people and some our seniors taking part. A collection was taken for a local charity, the East End Youth & Community Centre. It was […]
Nativity 2017
Children from Junior Church and Messy Church came together to present a nativity play on the morning of Sunday 17 December, dressed as Mary and Joseph, angels, shepherds and kings from the Gospel stories. They performed very well, with a prayerful Mary and a bashful shepherd. We were reminded that the very first Christmas […]
Festival of Christmas Trees
There was a great deal of creativity on display the weekend of 9-10 December. St Columba’s put on a festival of Christmas trees, whilst the regular Victorian Christmas market was in full swing outside in Northumberland Square. Nearly twenty groups connected with the church, including other local churches and organisations, had designed displays. There was a great […]
Shoebox Sunday
Sunday 19 November was Shoebox Sunday at St Columba’s. For many years, the church has supported Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child project. People from all over the area have been coming to drop off shoeboxes at the church, and many were added in today’s service. A couple of hundred boxes were piled up at the […]