30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #226 – 17th November 2024
From the Minister Christmas Is Coming – Already? We’re in November but Christmas is on its way. The Christmas Movies Channel has been churning them out since August. M&S, John Lewis and the various supermarkets have got their Christmas advertising campaigns underway. The number of chocolate and perfume advertisements on tv have mushroomed. The church carol service planning group has met, and I’ve chosen a Christmas carol for the service at Trinity Church, Gosforth this Sunday (though for reasons related to the Gospel reading, not in order to get in ahead of everyone else – honestly!). Whilst I’m at Gosforth the congregation at Saint Columba’s will be having our Shoe Box Service, which is about sending Christmas gifts to others. Next Monday we can all bring our snacks and drinks along to church to watch a traditional Christmas movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life”. (Anyone who wishes can then join in a series of get-togethers during Advent which use the movie to help us to talk about life’s hopes, dreams and challenges in the light of faith). And also, you can sign up to host Mary and Joseph, as they journey to Bethlehem (“posada”). In the midst of all the fun activity I hope we manage to keep focused on Jesus, and upon his birth into a troubled world. Trevor Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Prayer O God, help me to know you through being focused upon Jesus. Amen.
You shall know him when he comes Not by any din of drums Nor by the vantage of his airs Nor by anything he wears, Neither by his crown, Nor by his gown, For his coming known shall be By the holy harmony His presence makes in thee. (14th century)
Worship Sunday 17th November – Shoe Box Service
10.30 a.m. “Shoe Box Service” led by Mrs Shirley McKay and members of the congregation, focusing on the work of Compassion UK https://www.compassionuk.org/ (Trevor Jamison is leading worship at Trinity Church, Gosforth)
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
10.30 a.m.A service led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison on the theme of “The Reign of Christ”
Bible readings
Daniel 12:1-3 A vision of deliverance following a time of suffering
Psalm 16: Rejoicing because of God’s protection
Hebrews 10:11-25 Access to God coming through Jesus Christ
Mark 13:1-8 Jesus foresees suffering before everything comes right
Reflection on the Readings
Perspective matters. The comment to Jesus from an unnamed disciple (Mark 13:1) takes place as the walls of the Jerusalem temple tower above them. They are surrounded by religion. Relocating across to the Mount of Olives (13:3) changes the perspective – the temple is now one (important) building among many in the city. Jesus’s comments about the future shift from their focus on the temple building (13:2) to conflict between nations, changes to the fabric of the planet, and human suffering. (13:7-8) He says they are only an initial stage of things: ‘the beginning of the birth pangs.’ (13:8) The future we desire has not yet arrived. At this point in Mark’s Gospel, though, Jesus is approaching the cross; heading for his death and resurrection. His cross will become the sign that his disciples seek. (13:4) Although we have not arrived at the point when the world is as it should be, the journey towards that time is underway. Image of the Jerusalem Temple via Wikimedia Commons
A hymn that responds to the readings
“It Came Upon The Midnight Clear” – not in order to get in with the first Christmas carol of 2024, but because it speaks about yearning for the age to come, which contrasts with the present age, and about the birth that makes the new age possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkpXufZzUD8
News and Notices
Movie Night – “It’s A Wonderful Life” – Monday November 18th at 7.15 p.m.
This year our Advent discussion series will be based upon the classic Christmas move, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Each week the theme for discussion will relate to a segment of the movie. Before the series kicks off we’re providing the opportunity to watch the whole film in one go (whether or not you then take part in the discussion series). So bring your snacks and your drinks, your family and your friends to the Lishman Hall, and enjoy the experience.
Your Chance to Sign Up for Posada
Posada is a Spanish Christmas tradition where small figures of Mary and Joseph spend a night in different homes during the season of Advent. This Advent, we are inviting you to host Mary and Joseph as they make their way to Bethlehem. This would involve you receiving the figures from another member of the congregation, looking after them for the evening and using them as an aid to personal reflection. You will have the opportunity to send a photograph of the posada in your home for the church website. The following day you will be asked to take the posada to another member of the congregation or if this is not possible , it will be collected from you. If you would like to host the posada for a night please could you add your name to the list on the notice board in the hall. The list will be there from Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th November. We will then formulate a route and will inform you, before Advent, of the date you will be receiving your guests! If you are unable to add your name to the list and would like to host the posada please let Claire C or Alison Drew know before 17th November.
Volunteers Sought to Deliver Christmas Publicity
At the end of this month we will begin distributing publicity about our Christmas activities and services to homes in North Shields. If you are able and willing to deliver some of our invitation cards please contact Alison Drew to let her know.
Contributions Sought for Bay Food Bank
HANDS once again are collecting food for the Bay Food Bank. There will be a box in the hall from Sunday 17th November to Sunday 1st December. Any contributions will be most welcome.
Called to Be Knitters Of Fish North Shields is celebrating 800 years in 2025. Next year, Churches Together in North Shields are going to “knit bomb” fish around the town during the summer. St Columba’s has been invited to knit or crochet fish by next Spring. Any help would be appreciated. There is a fish tank at the back of church for the completed fish to go in. You can find a knitting pattern here or obtain one from Liz M.
Choosing a charity for our Christmas Eve Collection
Suggestions for which charity should receive the money from the collection at this year’s Christmas Eve carol service should be sent to Alison Drew by 20th November. We’ll decide at the Church Meeting on 24th November. Usually we look for a charity that makes an impact locally.
Next Update – Sunday 24th November
Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 19th November.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.