Weekly Update #132 – 20 November

St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW

Weekly Update #132
20th November 2022

Christ crucified
From the Good News Herald

Hello everyone, from John

In 1925 the then Pope Pius XI initiated a celebration of ‘Christ the King’. It was intended to remind the world of Christ’s rule over mankind in the secular world. It still fulfils that job, for those who know what it is about!

Wikipedia tells us that ‘Christ the King is a title of Jesus in Christianity referring to the idea of the Kingdom of God where the Christ is described as seated at the right hand of God.’

He was never intended to be ‘King of the Jews’, or even our ‘King’ in the secular sense.

Perhaps we need to remember that He actually came as servant for The World, not as a King at all, and he was tortured and crucified because he was not the King they expected?

Does He match up to what you expect of a Saviour, Redeemer, Teacher, Son of God?

We have been disappointed recently with expectations of our leaders, I hope that He does not disappoint you as our Spiritual Leader. He is the best leader we could ever have.


Lord, we remember how you were abused and beaten as they prepared to rid themselves of your presence. We think of all those people today who are abused and beaten because they are not precious in the sight of those in control of them. We remember how you came as a little baby with so much promise, love and hope from our God, and how each one of us is precious to you. As we look towards Advent, we remember the gift of our King, Friend and Redeemer, Healer and Guide. Thank you, God. Amen

Sunday 20th November
10.30 a.m.   Shoe Box Sunday, a service led by church members. Please bring your prepared shoe boxes along to bring the gift of joy to those who will receive them.

NEXT WEEK – Sunday 27th November
10.30 a.m.   Advent Sunday worship led by Trevor Jamison.
  6.30 p.m.   Communion remembering those who have died during the year.

Bible readings for this week – from the Revised Common Lectionary

Psalm 46: 1-11            God is our refuge and strength, always with us and will be exalted in the nations.
Jeremiah 23: 1-6         God declares he will send a Good Shepherd to look after His people.
St Luke 1:  68-79.       The Song of Zechariah: The birth of John foretells the birth of Jesus.
Colossians 1: 9-20      We are brought into the Kingdom of Christ, the head of the church who has supremacy over everything.

You can read the Bible passages online at https://www.biblegateway.com/

Reflection on the readings: –    A king is declared

Jesus as the Good ShepherdThe Psalmist writes how God is our refuge and our strength, to be still and know that He is God. He is not someone who will come and go from our lives, even Kings and Queens leave their people, as we know. He is with us forever, and the psalmist describes what kind of God He is. The prophet Jeremiah declares how, because of the misrule and bad leadership of the rulers and authorities of the day, He is going to gather His people together again and give them good leaders who will look after them, then He will raise up a new King who will reign wisely, do what is right and just to the land. Israel will be safe and He will be known as The Lord Our Righteousness. Is this where the Jews went wrong in their expectations for their new King? Were they expecting a mortal person who would rule over them like one of the several good Kings they had had over the previous generations except that this time he would be extra special?

In his song, Zechariah doesn’t mention the new King until the 4th last verse, he is focussed on his son, John. He will be the prophet who declares the coming and presence of the new King, he will be ‘the prophet of the Most High’, preparing the way before Him. The new King prophesied by Jeremiah is coming! But later in Luke we read the passage chapter 23 verses 35-38 of the crucifixion, when He is named ‘King of the Jews’. Was this what upset the people most? God had promised a new King who would keep all Israel safe, would rule in righteousness and justice and he had ended up on a cross, a failure, was he even a fraud, obviously not the King they expected!

Several years later, Paul wrote from his jail in Rome, to the church at Colossae about how much he and Timothy have been, and are, praying for their Church. Because he has never met them that is all he can do at present, apart from write to them. He tells them more about God and describes how He brought Paul and Timothy to ‘the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.’ This is the King God was sending, ‘the one who rules all things in heaven and on earth’.

Christ is the King of so much more than the Jews, or the Christians, or any other faith, he is King of all things in heaven and on earth. How amazing, how wonderful, how utterly mind-blowing is that?

Image: Jesus as the Good Shepherd, from The Seminary Rector – Forming Priests in Nazareth

Two hymns that respond to the readings

Now I have picked two hymns of the many suitable for today:

King of glory, king of peace, I will love Thee; and that love may never cease, I will move thee.   Rejoice & Sing 97, by George Herbert.

The King is among us, His Spirit is here, let’s draw near and worship, let songs fill the air. Combined Mission Praise 650, by Graham Kendrick.

News and Notices

HANDS Christmas Coffee Morning – Saturday 19th November

You are invited to a Christmas coffee morning in St Columba’s Church Hall on Saturday 19th November from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.  Enjoy coffee or tea and mince pie or cheese scone for £2.  There will also be a tombola, handicrafts, and a cake stall.  Proceeds will go to Nite Bite.

Christmas Hamper

HANDS is organising a Christmas hamper of tinned and dried goods and toiletries for the People’s Kitchen again this year.  A box will be in the church hall until Sunday 4th December, and all contributions will be gratefully appreciated.

Church Teas/Coffees

It is becoming noticeable that many of us are happy to partake of the refreshments after service but not many are willing to help serve them. Please can you offer one morning over the remaining few weeks of this year to give others a break. See the list!

Christmas Charity

If anyone has any suggestions which local charity should receive our Christmas Eve collection, please contact the Church Secretary by Monday 21st November.

Exploration Meeting about a Synod Pioneer Children, Youth and Family Worker at Saint Columba’s

Here at Saint Columba’s, we want to reach out more effectively to children, young people and families in North Shields.  The URC Northern Synod has a scheme for pioneer workers, recruited, managed and paid for two years by the Synod.  We are having a meeting on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.15 p.m. at the church about whether this is a possibility for Saint Columba’s.  Church members will be joined by Hannah Middleton, Synod Children’s Work Adviser, and John Stephenson, Synod Youth Work Adviser.  Anyone associated with Saint Columba’s who wishes to take part in this initial conversation is very welcome to come along.

Sharing the Christmas StoryAdvent 2022
Conversation Groups on
“Sharing the Christmas Story”

This Advent, join a conversation group on Sharing the Christmas Story.
These sixty- minute meetings include space for quiet, and an open conversation about the theme for the week – Promise, Light, Mystery, and Love.  Two groups will be meeting each week:

Tuesdays          1.15 p.m. – 2.15 p.m. at the church
(November 29, and 6, 13, 20 December)

Thursdays         7.15 p.m. – 8.15 p.m. via Zoom, click here to join.
(November 24, 1, 8, 15 December)

(The content of the Tuesday and Thursday meetings will be identical.)

Advance notice of the next Church Meeting

Sunday 27th November after the morning service, in church.

Next Update – Sunday 27th November

Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update.  To get your information in both the online and printed editions, please have it with him by Tuesday 22nd November.

Keeping in Touch

You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.

Minister: The Reverend Dr Trevor Jamison     Church Secretary: Alison Drew
minister.northshieldsurc@gmail.com               [email protected]
0191 290 1193         07896 899538                 0191 251 9774

Copyright © 2022 St Columba’s United Reformed Church, All rights reserved.

Registered Address:
St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square

North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 1PW

United Kingdom

St Columba’s United Reformed Church Charity is a registered charity in England & Wales, number 1164784.

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