30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #231 – 22nd December 2024
From the Minister Are We There Yet?
So one of the highlights of the preparation for Christmas this year has been “posada”. Small figures of “Mary” and “Joseph” have been journeying from Nazareth to Bethlehem, being hosted by church households, by groups which use our buildings, and by classes in two local primary schools. I’ve enjoyed the pictures, many of which have appeared online, and some of which you can view below. It’s fascinating, and at times moving, to read the comments that people have made in the booklets that accompany them on their journey. When the couple sat at my breakfast table, for the first time ever I wondered what the original May and Joseph did for food and drink on their journey, and whether I would have been generous towards strangers in need. At an Advent discussion group, which was attended by M&J, we shared our perspectives on the stresses and strains of the Christmas period, for individuals and for a church. I came away wondering about the particular stresses and strains Mary and Joseph experienced as they headed for Bethlehem. Thank God, though, that they were able to make that journey.
God eternal, from your tender mercy your Word has sprung forth, taking our flesh in the womb of Mary. Breathe forth your Spirit upon us that we may proclaim the message of this Holy Child all the days of our life.
(From ‘Prayers For Dawn and Dusk’ by Edward F Gabrielle, 1992. )
Worship Sunday 22nd December
10.30 a.m. Church Nativity Service, led by Claire Constantine (This weeks Service will not be livestreamed however we intend to be able to Livestream Christmas Eve and Christmas Day).
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
Livestreaming has been stopped for the time being as we have problems with the internet provision. We hope to resume shortly. Past services can be viewed.
Christmas Eve, 6.30 p.m. Candle-lit Carol Service, with readings, music and song
Christmas Day, 10.30 a.m. A light-hearted, thirty-minute celebration service
Sunday 29th December, 10.30 a.m. Service led by church members
Sunday 5th January, 10.30 a.m. Service led by Trevor Jamison, celebrating Epiphany and the first Sunday of 2025
Bible readingsMicah 5:2-5 From Bethlehem comes a ruler
Psalm 80:1-7 O God, let your face shine so that we might be saved
Hebrews 10:5-10 Jesus comes to earth to do God’s will
Luke 1:39-45 (46-55) ‘Blessed are you among women … My soul magnifies the Lord’
Reflection on the Readings
I love this picture: “Mary” and “Joseph” hitching a lift from Santa Claus to get to Bethlehem in time for Christmas Eve. No need for a donkey this year! How do we maintain a healthy relationship between celebrating the birth of Jesus and the wider Christmas festivities? How do we ensure that Santa is giving a helping hand to Mary and Joseph, not making off with them so that we don’t get distracted from gift-giving and gift-buying by bringing religion into it? This week’s Gospel reading helps by focusing on a pregnancy and its consequences. Elizabeth (herself pregnant with the future John the Baptist) declares that Mary is ‘blessed among women.’ (1:42) Mary responds with a song that we know as ‘The Magnificat’ (1:46-55). It declares that God is doing great things (1:49) for Mary and for all people through the one who is to be born. This includes working on behalf of the weak and hungry, and against the proud, the powerful and the self-satisfied. (1:51-53) Something to keep in mind at Christmas time.
A hymn that responds to the readings
“My heart sings out with joyful praise to God who raises me” – a version of the Magnificat written by the American hymn writer, Ruth Duck
And the better known, Tell Out My Soul” – but how many of us connect it with a divinely-created social upheaval in the name of God’s justice, brought about by the birth of Jesus, as it is portrayed in Luke’s Gospel?
Café 2-21 Christmas and Saturday Coffee Morning dates
Café 2-21 is now closed and will re-open on Tuesday 7th January.
Also, no coffee morning on Saturday 28th December. Look out for re-opening date in the New Year.
Posada Journey
“Mary” and “Joseph” have continued to be hosted by Saint Columba’s households during the week, and will be coming to church on Christmas Eve for the Carol Service. Do come along and join them if you can.
Christmas Market – “Thank You” from the Social Events Team
Despite the awful weather and the Christmas Market being cancelled, our church still opened its doors on Saturday 7th December and managed to raise £528-51p for church funds, an amazing amount . Thank you to everyone who supported the event.
“Come Dine With Us” – helpers sought for 2025
Our Synod Pioneer Worker, Irene Frith, is planning a family dining experience project, connecting with local families. She is looking for volunteers, some to help within the kitchen and some to chat with families in the hall. If you might be interested in serving in this ministry please contact Irene: 0735 0397770 or irene.frith@urc-northernsynod.org
Book now to see Cinderella (Looks like Mary and Joseph are going too!)
The church has a booking at the Tynemouth Priory Theatre to see Cinderella on Friday 17th January 2025. If you wish to join the party please put your name on the list which is on the notice board in the church hall. Image: https://tynemouthpriorytheatre.co.uk/
Next Update – Sunday 12th January 2025
Weekly Update now goes on holiday until the 12th January edition. Please get your information to Trevor Jamison by Tuesday 7th January.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.