30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update # 204 – 26th May 2024
From Andrew Why?
At the Church Meeting on 5th May (of which you can read more below), members shared questions that they might like to ask Jesus.
Amongst these questions were many asking why the world is as we find it. Why, oh why, is there so much suffering? Why is there so much hatred? What about wars, pollution, starvation, disease, unfairness? Can God intervene, or does God despair of the mess we have made of things?
These are important questions to ask, and there are no easy answers.
I reflect that we live in a world that is not static, but is bursting with possibilities, and that anything that happens can be experienced as good, bad or mixed.
We ask questions such as these because we care, and I believe that God cares too; very much so.
When we consider all the ills of the world, they seem so huge, and yet we can make a difference by caring actions. Inspired by God, we can play our part right where we are, although that may also extend to writing letters or sending help further afield.
The United Reformed Church, along with the Methodist Church and the Baptist Union, is working through the Joint Public Issues Team towards six hopes for society: a just economy that enables the flourishing of all life, a world that works actively for peace, a society that welcomes the stranger, a society where the poorest and most marginalised are at the centre, a planet where our environment is renewed, and a politics characterised by listening, kindness and truthfulness. You can read more about them here: https://jpit.uk/sixhopes.
Loving God, in sadness we wonder why so much in the world seems wrong. Hear our heartfelt cries for help and renewal. Inspire us with hope for future. Inspire us with compassion for our neighbours. Inspire us with wisdom to see where we can make things better. Amen.
Worship Sunday 26th May
10.30 a.m.A service led by Trevor Jamison, celebrating Trinity Sunday.
6.30 p.m. “Tea and Trinnity” – members from Saint Columba’s and Saint Andrew’s URC Monkseaton, join together to drink tea (or something else), eat cake, and choose their favourite Trinity hymns – all led by Louise Sanders and Trevor Jamison at St Columba’s.
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
Sunday 2nd June 10.30 a.m. A service led by the Revd Rob Hufton.
(Our own minister will be preaching at St John’s LEP, Kingston Park)
Bible readingsTrinity Sunday
Isaiah 6: 1-8 The prophet has a vision of heaven, and is purified for mission.
Psalm 29 Awe at the power of God over nature.
Romans 8: 12-17 “… all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”
John 3: 1-17 Jesus teaches Nicodemus about being “born of the Spirit”.
Today’s set readings offer four windows into the concept of the Holy Trinity. Isaiah’s vision imagines God’s majesty in a heavenly throne room, reflecting God the Father. The psalmist speaks poetically of the power of God over nature, like a wind sweeping in off the sea, reflecting the Holy Spirit. In his letter to the Roman church, St Paul touches on the doctrine of the Trinity, recognising our adoption by God the Father, as co-heirs with Jesus Christ, and being led and empowered by the Spirit of God (8: 15-17). The Gospel according to St John also writes of being born of the Spirit, enabling believers to see the kingdom of God, and the salvation brought by the Son of Man (3: 3, 16-17).
The Trinity is a way of understanding the nature of God that has been developed by the Church over centuries of reflection. We experience God as three persons, who are yet of one substance. We may describe them as creator, saviour, and guide, yet they share together in those roles. Names like Father, Son and Spirit hint at familial relationships, a community bound up in love, or a love that creates community. Human words cannot fully encapsulate God, and indeed it is not necessary to fully comprehend, but simply to worship.
Image: Trinity Shield, AnonMoos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
A hymn that responds to the readings
Grace Community Choir in Sun Valley, California sing Reginald Heber’s 1826 hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy.
News and Notices
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who so kindly gave to the retiring collection for Ukraine on Sunday 5th May. The amount received was £250. Simon Burnage is going there in a month’s time and expresses his deep gratitude to us all.
Brenda on behalf of HANDS.
Leading Your Church Into Growth
On Sunday 5th May, following the morning service, we held the second special Church Meeting continuing the series ‘Leading Your Church Into Growth’. Last time we learned about the seven-step process, and looked at our church’s life in terms of ‘Prayer’ (for growth), ‘Presence’ (in the community), ‘Proclamation’ (of the basis gospel message), and ‘Persuasion’ (conversations that help people grow in faith). We agreed it would be good to follow up on that meeting. So this time we got to ask Jesus questions. Also, we considered how we can appropriately add spiritual value to our presence in the community. We will be reflecting further on our conversations at our next Church Meeting. Read more about what we talked about hereand here.
We will be closed for 2 weeks’ holiday on 4th and 11th June, and will re-open on Tuesday 18th June.
Strawberry Fayre – 8th June The next social event at St Columba’s will be the Strawberry Fayre on Saturday 8th June. We are looking for items for the tombola stall, preferably wrapped. If you have anything suitable for the stall, please see Evelyn . Also there will be a cake stall and contributions for that will be gratefully received on the day.
Last year, many of you made Kintsugi hearts for the URC marquee at the Greenbelt Festival, taking place in August. So I’m asking for your help again, please.
Be a part of the URC’s presence at this year’s Greenbelt festival, entitled ‘Dream On’, even if you can’t be there in person. Show us what your dreams for yourself, for the Church and for the world are by designing a 15 x 15cm square. Knit, crochet, make a patchwork square or even draw. All the squares will be joined together to make one massive quilt of dreams. To find out more, clickhere.
The squares need to be with me by Sunday 7th July at the latest so that I can send them on to be sewn together.
Liz M
Secretary for Nite Bite
Please pray that someone will be found, and consider whether that might be you! Read the wanted poster here.
Next Update – Sunday 2nd June
Trevor Jamison will edit the Update for 2nd June. To get your information in both the online and printed editions, please have it with him by Tuesday 28th May.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.