Churches Together in North Shields acted out the Good Friday story with dramatic effect for the people of the town.
Revd Liz Blair led the service in Northumberland Square, and short speeches were given by the elected Mayor of North Tyneside, Mrs Linda Arkley, and the MP for Tynemouth, Mr Alan Campbell.
Members of St Columba’s United Reformed Church and North Shields Methodist Church, dressed as Jesus Christ, Caiaphas the High Priest, Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor of Judea, and two Roman soldiers presented a memorable and hard-hitting drama in two acts, showing how Jesus was condemned and executed for claiming to be the Son of God. The climax of the drama was followed by a thunderclap and three girls singing unaccompanied Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Between the two acts, the cast, narrator and singers led members of North Shields churches in a procession of witness around the town centre, accompanied by the band of the Salvation Army.
Afterwards, a young congregation at St Columba’s enjoyed a puppet show and Messy Church, learning more about the Easter story through art and craft.