Some people have a problem with Trinity Sunday. How can 1 person be 3 entities?
I have a can of oil in the garage, the oil cleans, prevents rust and lubricates but it is 1 fluid.
The picture above shows the old man with an orb and sceptre, representing God perhaps, beside him is a younger man with cross and marked hands, a ‘Christ’ painting. Above both of them is a dove with beams of light shining down to both the gentlemen, linking it, as the Holy Spirit, with both God and Christ simultaneously.
With God, our Creator, nothing is impossible but with mankind, us, we are restricted by our understanding.
A very simplistic view of a major Biblical conundrum perhaps, but it is a view for thought for today.
Lord, you promised to send an advocate, helper, to your disciples. You would ask the Father to send it so that they could continue and expand the work you had begun on earth. We give thanks for the Triune God which works as a unit in different ways for Your people and followers on earth.
We know about God, we know about You, help us to know the Holy Spirit so we can do your work in our communities and churches.
Worship Services in the Building
Sunday 30th May 2021
St Columbas United Reformed Church 10.30 A.M. SERVICE Led By Trevor Jamison
You need to book your seat for a service in the building.
To do so, please contact Alison Drew between9.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon. on the Friday immediately prior to that service.
We have one 30-minute service at 10.30 a.m.
Physical distancing and wearing of face coverings are observed, but those from the same household should be able to sit together.
Seats will be filled from the front of the church to the back, and you must take the seat allocated to you by the stewards.
On Sunday June 6thwe also worship online at 6.30 p.m. and that service will include Holy Communion.
Other options for worshipping at home on Sunday
Online URC audio service 10.00 a.m.
Radio 4 Sunday Worship 8.10 a.m
Radio Newcastle Sunday Worship for local radio8.00 a.m.
Television BBC 1 Songs of Praise 1.15 p.m.
Online Your church service – share nationwide worship 6.30 p.m.
DISCLAIMER: tv and radio schedules can change, so check the timings are correct!
Bible readings for This Week
Psalm 29 The Glory of God seen in the environment around us.
Isaiah 6:1-8 Isaiah’s vision, cleansing, call and commitment to task.
Romans 8:12-17 ‘For those led by the Spirit are God’s children and heirs’.
John 3: 1 – 17. Nicodemus hears the Good News direct from Christ, does he believe it?
Reflection on the readings from Psalm 29 and John 3 v1 – 17
The British are renowned for their fascination with the weather, we cannot control it but we can influence it, and we are told we do! In the days of the Psalms ,3000 years ago, the science may not have been developed but the people knew who was in charge of their weather, and their world, the gods; and the Psalmist ascribed it to their God. All that was in the heavens, the splendour of His holiness, thunder and lightning, gales and storms, earthquakes and floods was in His hands, a truly mighty, strong and glorious God. How do you react to a violent thunderstorm, either when protected at home or outside in the elements?
Was Nicodemus scared to approach Jesus by daylight in case he was seen and reported to his fellow Pharisees perhaps, but he had an important reason to consult with Jesus. What was it? Instead, our Lord confronts him with a statement which catches him off guard, how can a man be born again? As many times as Jesus tries to explain this Nicodemus fails to understand how even something as ‘impossible’ as this, is possible to God.
Our God is a wonderful, mighty and powerful Being who created all that surrounds us and all that lies beneath our feet and looks down on us from above. He is everywhere and everything is possible to Him. Isn’t it amazing that “He so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”? (John3 v16-17).
I am in awe that this can be true, for me,………..even for me!
It is true for you as well, believe it!………….and give thanks.
From Churches Together In North Shields;
An Invitation to a Fish Supper at Christ Church Parish Centre on August 14th. Book before June 11th.
The Church Magazine has gone to press for June so if you wanted to put an item in it, you’re too late, but don’t give up! Send it in for next month instead, and remember, this edition covers July and August.
Church Magazine articles wanted by the end of the month!
Your articles for The Square, our church magazine, are wanted by June 30th, please.
They should be 300 words or less in length, and sent to Val Hopper;
Or by post to her home address.
St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation
on Saturdays at 10.00 a.m.
Meet friends for conversation and company, online or by phone
To join the Zoom meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 840 0640 2351 Passcode: 960832
Keeping in Touch – Your contact details
If your contact details (address, telephone or email) change please make sure to inform our Church Secretary Alison Drew.
You can contact your designated Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.