30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #55 – 18th April 2021
Hello everyone, from John.
This week Trevor is away finishing off the work for his doctorate, so he has missed out on being able to nip to the shops to get his shoes mended, or buy a glass of wine with a meal outside, or perhaps he will fit that in!
It is a week that should be remembered for relaxation of the Covid restrictions, but it will also be remembered for the funeral of His Royal Highness Prince Philip. The partnership has been physically broken with his Queen, Elizabeth. Whenever death afflicts a loved one it is a special event, the sense of loss, the missing person who would hold our hand and share our lives.
It gives an idea of the feelings of the disciples after the crucifixion. But the wonder is that with Christ it is not a loss but a gain. His believers, his people, are stronger and more empowered through his death. It would be good to know that through the death of Prince Philip, the Royal family are bound together stronger and they can regain some of the respect and authority that they have lost in recent years.
‘One more step along the world I go, from the old things to the new keep me traveling along with You’. Loving Father, we are starting to emerge from our homes, we are taking a chance on doing things we have not done for several months perhaps. Guide us on our way, travel with us we pray and help us to see the new opportunities for doing your will in this slightly different situation. For those who need your comfort and support, Lord, we pray you will be with them. Amen
10.30 A.M. SERVICE
Led by Revd. Trevor Jamison
To join this Sunday’s morning service, online or by phone
When the time comes to join the service, Click Here,
Meeting ID: 892 8581 5847
To Dial in By Phone
Telephone 0203 051 2874
Meeting ID: 892 8581 5847 No password needed.
Also, we will continue to worship online at 6.30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. All of these services include Holy Communion.
Other options for worshipping at home on Sunday
Online URC audio service https://devotions.urc.org.uk/10.00 a.m. RadioRadio 4Sunday Worship 8.10 a.m. Television BBC1 Songs of Praise from York 1.15 p.m.
Online Your Church To join Click Here 6.30 pm
Meeting ID 965 1457 5443 Password – YourChurch DISCLAIMER: TV and Radio schedules can change, so check the timings are correct!
Bible readings for Sunday
(from the Revised Common Lectionary)
Acts 3: 12 -19. “The man you crucified has healed this lame man!”
Psalm 40: 1 – 5. Trust in the Lord our God and he will hear your cry.
1 John 3: 1 – 7. God loves us so much that we are His children.
St. Luke 24: 36 – 48. The Risen Christ confirms he really is alive and explains all to the disciples.
Whenever we do wrong, no matter how small and insignificant that is, our consciences usually nag us. We know what we have done. Often it can be forgotten about, but not always, and sometimes those naggings can cause us no end of distress, often way beyond the size of the wrong we have done, indeed, it is said that sins are the main cause of mental breakdown and illness, though I hasten to add, not the only cause. In the Old Testament God rebuked His people when they erred, punishment and retribution were the tools he used to bring them back in line. He gave up.
In Psalms we see how some of His people realize the wonders of this God, how great He is, how magnanimous He is when his people call to Him in times of need. In Acts we read how Peter lays the truth before the Israelites, how they killed the author of life but He was raised by God and through faith in Him the cripple was healed. Their sin was committed in ignorance so they can be forgiven by their God simply by repenting. God loves His people so much that He will not only forgive them but he makes them his children, with all the privilege and blessing, and responsibility, entailed therein. As St John writes, “But you know that He appeared so that he might take away our sins. No-one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him”.
That is a strong and challenging thought to ponder when we next do wrong.
Of course, if Jesus was not raised from the dead then this is all a load of baloney;
His disciples did not believe it, until He explained it all to them, “in the flesh and bones”. If we declare we believe in His resurrection then we become God’s children, and He loves us more than we will ever know on this earth.
….and now a few notices for you: –
Firstly, a couple of important responses we need from the fellowship: –
Re-opening the building and Election of Elders
Reopening the Church Building for Worship – take part in the survey!
The Elders meeting is discussing when and how to return to holding services in our church building. These are not simple decisions and all worshippers are asked to read and return the survey form that accompanies this Update.
Responses should be with Alison Drew by the 21st of April, and the Elders plan to meet on 26th April to make appropriate decisions, taking into account the feedback received.
To read the letter from Trevor and Alison, Click Here
To open the survey to complete, Click Here.
Election of Elders
Voting papers for the election of Elders accompanied the last edition of the Weekly Update. Church members (and only church members) should e-mail, post, or hand-deliver their voting paper to Peter Matthew, to arrive before 20th April 2021.
Induction of Elders will take place during morning worship on Sunday 2nd May.
Important reminder
Annual General Church Meeting will be held on 21st April at 7.15pm via Zoomand phone.
Please join in if you are able so that we can share the reports of the church officers for 2020 and then look at the proposed plans for the church for the next 12 months. This meeting will include a discussion on the proposed building repair works.
To View, the Meetings Agenda, Click Here
To View, the Abbreviated Church Accounts, Click Here
To View, the Appointments Sheet, see the email version of the Weekly Update.
The Treasurer, Keith Armstrong, will be happy to supply the full accounts if you wish to see them.
Church Magazine articles wanted by the end of the month!
Your articles for The Square, our church magazine, are wanted by April 30th, please. They should be 300 words or less in length, and sent to Val Hopper; dandvhopper@btinternet.com
Or by post to 74, Kennersdene, Tynemouth, NE30 2NG.
St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation
on Saturdays at 10.00 a.m.
Meet friends for conversation and company, online or by phone.