St Columba’s was the scene of a stunning Pentecost celebration. The Christian festival takes place 50 days after Easter, and commemorates the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first disciples, and the beginning of the growth of the Church. In the Bible, Acts chapter 2 tells how the disciples were gathered […]
Christian Aid Week 2010
St Columba’s once again fully entered into the spirit of Christian Aid Week. During the second week of May, churches up and down the country have helped to support the work of Britain’s largest interdenominational relief and development charity. Churches Together in North Shields began with a joint coffee morning at St Cuthbert’s Roman Catholic […]
Easter 2010
A number of special services were held as part of our Easter celebrations. On Palm Sunday (28 March), we remembered Jesus’ popularly acclaimed arrival at Jerusalem, marking the start of Holy Week. As the crowds then had waved palm branches, so at St Columba’s, we were given palm leaves woven into the shape of crosses. […]
Annual Church Meeting 2010
St Columba’s Church held its annual meeting on 30 March 2010. Thirty-five written reports were received from all aspects of the life of the church, ranging from care of the congregation to learning together to worship in retirement homes. The one thing that stood out was just how active the church was, showing the love […]
Lent Lectures 2010
Churches Together in North Shields has organised a varied series of 4 lectures by senior regional church figures during the season of Lent, which runs from Ash Wednesday (17 February) to Holy Saturday (3 April). The first lecture, on 23 February, was held at North Shields Methodist Church in Hawkeys Lane. The speaker, Revd Elaine […]