30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #225 – 10th November 2024
From the Minister Remembering in Words and Actions
There are all sorts of tricks we try in order to remember things. For example, many of us will remember the order of musical notes because “Every Good Boy Deserves Favour.” Sometimes we link the thing we want to remember to a physical action, though you need a real hankie, not a paper tissue, if you want to tie a knot in it. Preserving or actualising mental and emotional memory through physical action plays a significant part in annual remembrance events. Apart from the memorials of wood and stone that we have built, can touch and see, we hand over money and pin on a poppy; we stand (if we are able) and stay silent; perhaps we lay a wreath. When it’s war we remember, and those who died in one, some of the physical acts have a military flavour to them – wearing uniforms, carrying flags, marching in formation. It’s all part of what can help us to remember and makes memory powerful in the here and now. Similarly, it’s the taking and sharing of bread and wine, the repeating of words about the shared story, that enable us to remember Jesus in a powerful way, which in turn should affect how we remember times of war and conflict.
Almighty God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, by death or by life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for those whom we remember this day. Fulfil in them the purpose of your love; and bring us, with them, to your eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen. (Source unknown)
Worship Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Sunday
10.30 a.m. A Communion Service led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison, including our remembrance of those who have died in time of war.
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
Isaiah 52:7-12 Messengers of peace are preferable to messengers of war
Psalm 72:1-19 Before anything else, leaders should be just and righteous
Romans 8:31-39 Not even death can separate us from God’s love
Matthew 5:38-48 Turning the other cheek and loving your neighbour
Jesus said that he came not to abolish the Jewish law and the message of the prophets, but to fulfil them. (Matthew 5:17) As today’s Gospel reading demonstrates, though, for Jesus, “fulfilling” the law involved taking it further and beyond what it had demanded before. The law limited retribution to like for like (Leviticus 24:20) and encouraged people to love their neighbour (Leviticus 19:18). Jesus affirmed these good practices, but then extended and intensified them. His followers are to abstain from retribution (5:39) and love even their enemies (5:44). Like everyone else, Christians have struggled to follow Jesus’s teaching here. The propensity of “Christian” nations to make war upon others (including each other) is possibly the most prominent example of such failings. We also fall short on the personal level as well as on the political. Our previous failures do not justify us in giving up trying to do the right thing. It is a comfort, though, that we seek to follow someone who did fulfil the law by declining to strike back against his enemies because he loved them.
What Shall We Pray For Those Who Died? A hymn by John Bell and the Carnwadric Parish Church, Glasgow, appropriate for the situation where enemies have failed to love one another.
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way at the Christmas Granny’s Attic sale on Saturday. The amazing sum of £856 was raised for church funds. Thanks again from Norma and the Social Events Team.
Your Chance to Sign Up for Posada
Posada is a Spanish Christmas tradition where small figures of Mary and Joseph spend a night in different homes during the season of Advent. This Advent, we are inviting you to host Mary and Joseph as they make their way to Bethlehem. This would involve you receiving the figures from another member of the congregation, looking after them for the evening and using them as an aid to personal reflection. You will have the opportunity to send a photograph of the posada in your home for the church website. The following day you will be asked to take the posada to another member of the congregation or if this is not possible , it will be collected from you. If you would like to host the posada for a night please could you add your name to the list on the notice board in the hall. The list will be there from Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th November. We will then formulate a route and will inform you, before Advent, of the date you will be receiving your guests! If you are unable to add your name to the list and would like to host the posada please let Claire C or Alison Drew know before 17th November.
Volunteers Sought to Deliver Christmas Publicity
At the end of this month we will begin distributing publicity about our Christmas activities and services to homes in North Shields. If you are able and willing to deliver some of our invitation cards please contact Alison Drew to let her know.
Café 2-21 event in support of Street Pastors – Tuesday 12th November
In addition to the usual good food and opportunities to meet for conversation, on Tuesday 12th November, 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m., Café 2.21 will be running a cake stall and a raffle with lots of prizes, with all proceeds going to Street Pastors.
First Christmas Coffee Morning of the Year? – Saturday 16th November
The ladies of HANDS invite you to their Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday 16th November at St Columba’s Church Hall from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Coffee/tea and mince pie/cheese scone £2.00 – Tombola, handicrafts, cake stall. All proceeds to Blood Bikes.
Movie Night – Monday 18th November at 7.15 p.m.
A date for your diary – this year our Advent discussion series will be based upon the classic Christmas move, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Each week the theme for discussion will relate to a segment of the movie. Before the series kicks off we’re providing the opportunity to watch the whole film in one go (whether or not you then take part in the discussion series). So bring your snacks and your drinks, your family and your friends, and enjoy the experience.
Next Update – Sunday 17th November
Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 12th November.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.