Weekly Update #228 – 1 December

St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #228 – 1st December 2024
From the Minister               Journeying Towards Christmas
So it’s Advent Sunday. At church, this Sunday morning we will light the first Advent candle and the journey towards Christmas will have begun. December will be a busy church month. As our recently published invitation card shows there is something happening every Sunday in December, including Messy Church, open-doors for the Christmas Market weekend, a service focusing on Christmas hopes, dreams and prayers, and our Nativity service. Then there’s the Christmas Eve Carol Service and the Christmas morning celebration service. On top of that some of us will be hosting Mary and Joseph as they travel to Jerusalem (“posada”) and/or enjoying Advent conversations, responding to the Christmas movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Contemplating that list I feel tired already! In truth, though, I’m looking forward to every one of them, especially when they remind me about the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem or when they encourage me to think about how God is concerned for the world in which we live, me and you included.


You can find a copy of the invitation card, showing our Christmas related services and events in December  HERE.
Please feel free to share this with your family, friends and neighbours. Paper versions of the cards are available from Alison Drew. 

An Advent Song
“Lord, Remind me”: John and Valerie Guerra with a song about remembering what’s coming at Christmas, which give hope to those living life in a world that contains sadness and struggle.
To listen click here.
God our deliverer, whose approaching birth still shakes the foundations of our world, may we so wait for your coming with eagerness and hope that we embrace without terror the labour pangs of the new age: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Janet Morley, ‘All Desires Known’, 1998)
Worship     Sunday 1st December – Advent Sunday

10.30 a.m.    A communion service led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison, where  we look forward to the coming of Christ, and  Mary and Joseph begin their “posada” journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem via Saint Columba’s URC.

3.00 p.m.      Messy Church Christmas All ages get to explore the Christmas story together through crafts and activities, and then stay for tea!

Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s

To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,

Click here.

Sunday 8th December

10.30 a.m.    A service led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison – we hear from God’s prophets about the hope of a Messiah/Christ to come from among the Jewish people.

Bible readings

Jeremiah 33:14-16            Someone coming to bring justice and righteousness
Psalm 25:1-10                   God’s paths of love and faithfulness
1 Thess. 3:9-13                 Prepare your hearts for the coming of our Lord Jesus
Luke 21:5-36                     Signs that ‘The Son of Man’ is on his way

Reflection on the Readings

‘When you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near,’ says Jesus. (Luke 21:31) Near, yes, but it’s still tempting to ask, “Are we (not) there yet?” Traditionally, Advent Sunday focuses not upon the coming of Christ to the world at his birth but upon his return to the world, bringing all things in heaven and earth together. When will God’s kingdom (God’s “rule”) come on earth as it is in heaven? The history of religion is full of speculation about that, with some identifying the year it will happen, only to be disappointed when that date has passed, and we are still in the same imperfect situation. Jesus talks about different sorts of signs to look for before ‘heaven and earth will pass away’ but does not provide a timetable with a date and time. Instead he urges his followers to live as though that time is upon us – neither denying that the end will come nor weighed down with worry about that prospect. (21:34) Instead, live well, as though you expected your life to be inspected today. (21:36) And all this made possible because God first came to earth in Jesus Christ at Bethlehem.

A hymn that responds to the readings

‘Lo, he comes with clouds descending’ – the traditional Advent Sunday hymn, looking forward to the return of Christ. A choral version click here and also one in a gentler, folk style click here  .

News and Notices
Advent Online Retreat, 3-7 December

The URC Spirituality Network is offering an online retreat to anyone who wishes to take part. You need to sign up by 9.00 p.m. on Monday 2nd December. You can find details about this event HERE.

Advent Discussion Group

The second of our Advent conversations, based on the Christmas movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” takes place this coming week: Monday afternoons at 2.00 pm at St Andrew’s URC, Monkseaton; Monday evening on Zoom at 7.15 pm; Thursday night at St Columba’s at 7.15 pm. To join the Monday Zoom meetings: click here.

Posada Journey Begins

The Saint Columba’s Posada journey begins this week. Twenty households of church members have signed up to host Mary and Joseph (see left) for a night as they travel towards Bethlehem. This provides an opportunity to ponder the reason for the journey as part of our preparation for Christmas. Groups who use rooms in the church building are being invited to take part in the experience. Also, Irene our Synod Pioneer Worker and Liz M are bringing Mary, Joseph and the Christmas story to all of the classes at King Edward’s and Riverside Primary Schools. And look out for Mary and Joseph as they travel through the church worship space from week to week during December.

Christmas Market Volunteers
During Saturday and Sunday, 7th and 8th December, the church will be open to visitors whilst the North Shields Christmas Market is taking place in Northumberland Square and Howard Street. If you would be willing to volunteer to be one of the stewards for part of the weekend please contact Norma M. She will be very happy to hear from you!
Church Christmas Post Box now open
If you are wishing to send cards to fellow church members (and receive them!) then the Church Christmas Post Box is available in the church hall from this Sunday.

Image by Positive Images from Pixabay.

Church Magazine – double issues and deadline for contributions
A reminder that the next edition of the magazine will cover both December and January. Please have contributions with Valerie H by this Sunday.
Next Update – Sunday 8th December

Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 3rd December

Keeping in Touch

You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.

Minister: The Reverend Dr Trevor Jamison     Church Secretary: Alison Drew
minister.northshieldsurc@gmail.com               alisondnsurc@yahoo.com
0191 290 1193         07896 899538                 0191 251 9774

Copyright © 2024 St Columba’s United Reformed Church, All rights reserved.

Registered Address:
St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square

North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 1PW

United Kingdom

St Columba’s United Reformed Church Charity is a registered charity in England & Wales, number 1164784.

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