Saturday 7 June 2025 – 10am to 4pm Historic John Dobson-designed St Columba’s United Reformed Church on Northumberland Square is holding a Strawberry Fayre in the church hall – refreshments will be available all day. There will also be an exhibition in the main church – Past, Present and Future – highlighting the role the church […]
Rediscovering Rowland
Kris Grey of the Square Building Trust Ltd speaks in a special video featuring the life of its founder, Rowland Lishman. This was prepared for Local History Month for the Old Low Light Heritage Centre. Rowland was also a former Elder and Session Clerk of the Northumberland Square Presbyterian Church, and led the Mens’ Bible […]
Heritage Open Day 2019
St Columba’s was once again open for Heritage Open Day on Saturday 14 September. In addition to the displays on the life and history of the church and of the church’s social housing company the Square Building Trust, this year there was a special focus on our Mouseman furniture, made by Robert Thompson of Kilburn, […]
Foundation Plaque Found!
The foundation plaque from St Andrew’s Church, Camden Street, has been found. The church was founded in 1817, as a break away from the Scotch Church in Howard Street. Although its first minister was a licentiate of the Church of Scotland, all its subsequent ministers were drawn from the Congregational denomination. The church closed in […]
350th Birthday
St Columba’s Church celebrated its 350th anniversary with a historical exhibition on 25-26 August. The exhibits which attracted the most interest were some photographs from the 1940s of the cup-winning Northumberland Square Presbyterian Church AFC. We were grateful to Tyne & Wear Archives Service for their help in making these items available for display. The […]