Our morning service on 7 August, led by Local Preacher Angela Storer, had a musical theme. We sang a variety of hymns and songs (7 in all), including a three-part round, a Welsh hymn and a Wesley favourite. It was also a very participative service, with a trio singing and signing another song. During the service, worshippers […]
Queen’s Birthday was Grand
On Sunday 26 June, a cheque for £1,000 was presented to two representatives of local medical charity Northumbria Blood Bikes. This magnificent sum was raised on the weekend of the Queen’s 90th birthday, with a concert, patron’s lunch, and donations. The bikers caused quite a stir when they brought one of their motorbikes to church, […]
You are special
The worship team leading the morning service on Fathers’ Day showed us a video, encouraging us not to worry so much about what other people think of us, but to rest in the peace of knowing that we are loved by our maker.
The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations
St Columba’s celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday with a weekend of events. Saturday featured an extended coffee morning and an evening concert. The varied musical programme included light organ classics, romantic and patriotic singing, and clarinet jazz, as well as talks on the Queen and on the installation of our digital organ. It was […]
Christian Aid Week
St Columba’s is fundraising for Christian Aid this week. Churches Together in North Shields held a very successful coffee morning at St Columba’s on Saturday 14 May, with a cake stall, cards stall, and raffle. On Sunday evening, we held a joint service for Pentecost at Christ Church, and Kerry from Christian Aid told us […]