Weekly Update #6: Sunday 26 April

St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #6: Sunday 26th April 2020 (Third Sunday of Easter)

Emmaus Door (1992) by Janet Brooks-Gerloff (1947-2008)

From the Minister

Well, they’re not their practising social distancing, are they? Coronavirus wasn’t an issue when Janet Brooks-Gerloff painted this picture, or when Jesus joined two disciples on their Easter evening journey to Emmaus, a few miles from Jerusalem. Perhaps the two disciples were from the same household, maybe even husband and wife. In his Gospel, Luke tells us that they invited this interesting stranger in for a meal; not something that would be encouraged these days. Even in the midst of a pandemic, though, there’s no threat in imagining God, imagining Jesus, as present with you at the meals you eat, alone or with others; to realise that God is close, even at this time.


Thank you to all those who have been asking how I am doing at this time. I’m very well, and kept busy learning how best to be a minister in a different situation. TJ  😊


Jesus, you walk beside us and share with us – when we are aware of you and when we are not. Thank you that you come to us where we are. We don’t have to search you out, just to long for you. As we receive this gift of your presence help us to be generous, not keeping you to ourselves, but sharing you with others. Amen.

Prayer by Denise Creed (words altered)

Options for Worshipping at home this Sunday

Online           URC audio service (https://devotions.urc.org.uk/ )           10.00 a.m.

Radio            Radio 4          Sunday Worship                                          8.10 a.m.

Television      BBC1             Sunday Worship                                         10.45 a.m.
Songs of Praise                                           1.15 p.m.

DISCLAIMER: TV and Radio schedules can change, so check the timings are correct!

Bible readings for Sunday

From the Revised Common Lectionary
Acts 2:14a, 36-41             How should we respond to the crucified Lord and Messiah?
Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19      ‘What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?’

To hear a stirring contemporary take on an old hymn inspired by Psalm 116

1 Peter 1:17-23                 Trusting the God who raised Jesus from the dead
Luke 24:13-35                   Joined by Jesus on the journey to Emmaus

You can read the Bible passages online at https://www.biblegateway.com/

For the sermon Trevor preached on Luke 24:13-35 on Easter Sunday evening 2019  https://northshieldsurc.org.uk/the-meal-at-emmaus/

Reflection on the Readings

‘Are you the only stranger in in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place” … “What things?” … “The things about Jesus of Nazareth.”
Yes, Jesus, who the disciples did not yet recognise, knew what had happened, even more than they did. He was encouraging them to say what was going on in their hearts and minds. As it turned out, the early followers of Jesus became very good at enlightening others about Jesus of Nazareth, to the point that, until recently, just about everyone in this land knew this good news story. That’s no longer the case. We meet people who genuinely do not “know the things that have taken place … about Jesus of Nazareth.” To share that story is both our challenge and our privilege.

For further reflections and prayers relating to these readings, click here.

Images of Emmaus – with conversation on Sunday 26th April at 3.00p.m.

To watch and listen to a presentation of Emmaus in art and music, produced by St Columba’s URC, click here.

Then, on Sunday 26th April at 3.00 p.m. you can join others in conversation about the presentation. To join in the meeting click on the link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75077682639

Bible Exploration Meeting on Wednesday April 29th at 7.15p.m.

Acts 10:34-43         Jesus: his life, death, and resurrection

Our third forty-minute online conversation about meetings with the risen Jesus. New participants are welcome to join the group. When it’s time for the meeting just click on the link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75866685728

If you can’t join in online, don’t hesitate to contact Trevor to request a copy of a reflection and the questions relating to the reading.

St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation – Saturday 2nd May at 10.00 a.m.

Missing out on catching up with your church friends? Why not go online to join in with St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation? Bring your tea or coffee, then sit down at your computer to see and chat with others. Conversation lasts for 40 minutes. Everyone may come and go as they please, and the first Coffee and Conversation starts on Saturday 2nd May 2020 at 10.00 a.m.

When the time comes, just click on this link:

For information or help, contact Mathew Hall: 07792782647 or

Church Quiz on Monday 11th May at 7.00p.m.

Following the success of this month’s quiz by video conference we are holding a second one on Monday 11th May, 6.50 p.m. for a 7.00 p.m. start. To take part, email Oliver Storey for the link to join the meeting.


As with the previous quiz, questions and answers will be made available to those not able to connect online.

Keeping in Touch

We will keep in touch with each other. Elders will have a list of members and friends to contact each week, both to provide information and to ensure that people are safe and well. You can contact your designated Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.

Minister: Reverend Trevor Jamison                 Church Secretary: Alison Drew
minister.northshieldsurc@gmail.com               alison@jubileedeepdale.plus.com
0191 290 1193         07896 899538                 0191 251 9774

Copyright © 2020 St Columba’s United Reformed Church, All rights reserved.

Registered Address:
St Columba’s United Reformed Church

30 Northumberland Square

North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 1PW

United Kingdom

St Columba’s United Reformed Church Charity is a registered charity in England & Wales, number 1164784.

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