30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #217 – 15th September 2024
From Andrew Fairtrade Fortnight
For the first time, Fairtrade Fortnight is taking place in the autumn, on 9-22 September. It marks a special anniversary this year, of 30 years since the FAIRTRADE mark was introduced in the UK. It is hard to believe it has been going for so long, driving positive change for farmers and their communities.
Although we no longer have a Traidcraft stall at St Columba’s, fairly traded goods are still available in the shops and online, and it is more important than ever to continue to support this, as much as we can. Christian Concern for One World has produced a short but comprehensive guide on where you can find fairtrade goods.
As you may recall, in addition to receiving a guaranteed fair price for the goods that their labour has produced, famers also receive a fairtrade premium. This helps local cooperatives to improve their communities, such as through education and building resilience against climate change.
In this year’s campaign, we are encouraged to be the change that farmers need. Our faith teaches us to love our neighbours. This could include treating other people fairly, and speaking up for justice. It helps to remember that we rely on people all round the world for food and drink, clothes and other goods; we are all connected.
Loving God, we pray for our world. Enable us to see each other as neighbours, to see the threads that connect us, and to be changed by that. Where we find unfairness and injustice help us to be the change that is needed. Amen.
Worship Sunday 15th September
10.30 a.m.A service led by Trevor Jamison, as part of the Season of Creation, focussing on environmental challenges.
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
10.30 a.m. A service led by Trevor Jamison, as part of the Season of Creation, focussing on nature and humanity.
Bible readings Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Proverbs 1: 20-33 Wisdom rebukes the foolish
Psalm 19 God’s laws are seen in nature
James 3: 1-12 No-one can tame the tongue
Mark 8: 27-38 What does it mean to be the Messiah’s disciples?
Reflection on the readings
It is easy to marvel at a glorious sunset and delight in the beauty of God’s creation. Psalm 19 poetically describes the daily journey of the sun through the sky, and the writer is moved to praise our creator. (19:1-6) This inspires the psalmist to meditate on the law of the Lord, God’s instructions for living, (19:7-10) and to seek forgiveness and freedom from wrongdoing.
In Proverbs, Divine Wisdom is presented as a woman, calling out in the street and the town square (1:20), offering knowledge and understanding. (1:23) She warns that the time will come when it is too late to change your mind. (1:25-26) In the face of impending doom, the foolish will eat the fruit of their own stubbornness. (1:29-31) It is a harsh lesson.
In the context of our own climate emergency, it may be read as a sobering call to follow wisdom, inspired by nature, in this Season of Creation, marked by the churches in September. We like to think that we’re in control, and have tamed the natural world (James 3:7), but we are rather more in God’s hands than we realise.
Franz Joseph Haydn captured some of the grandeur of Psalm 19 in the chorus The Heavens are Telling from his 1798 oratorio Creation.
News and Notices
Minutes of Church Meeting
The minutes of the Church Meeting held on 18 June are available in the email and print versions of the Weekly Update.
Season of Creation
Liz M would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has knitted and crocheted flowers for the church railings. With their prayer cards attached, they have been welcomed by our community and about 100 have been taken so far. I received another large ‘bouquet’ last Sunday and as the season is throughout September, I would really welcome some more, if you can. Let’s just hope it doesn’t rain too much, as we had some very soggy flowers last week!
Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning
On Friday 27th September at 10am HANDS are hosting a coffee morning at St Columba’s Church as part of the annual event where people from all over the UK raise monies for Macmillan Cancer Care Support. In addition to those provided by HANDS members, donations of cakes would be most welcome on the day. Thank you.
Christian Aid Gaza Appeal
Christian Aid is offering envelopes to anyone who is able to give a donation to help the situation in Gaza. So many children are in need of support and all donations will be greatly appreciated. Envelopes will be available very soon.
Operation Christmas Child
Shoeboxes have been ordered for anyone who would like to fill a box with gifts for a child. A leaflet will be inside to help you with ideas. They will be available very soon, and each box will be 50p.
Next Update – Sunday 22nd September
Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 17th September.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.