30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #239 – 2nd March 2025
From the Minister The End of Lent?
Back in the 1980s I watched a very able URC minister come unstuck when giving a talk to a group of teenagers who were members of a Boys’ Brigade company. They were meeting on a Tuesday night, but not any Tuesday night. “Do you know what Tuesday this is?” the minister inquired. Several boys knew that it was Shrove Tuesday. “And what about tomorrow?” Some (though fewer) knew that it would be Ash Wednesday. “Tomorrow begins a period of about six weeks which is called ‘Lent’.” This was news to most. “Now, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, but does anyone know what it ends with?” Silence reigned. Then one hesitant hand was raised, and a tentative answer was offered: “Lent ends with a ‘t’, doesn’t it?” Sunday 2nd March is the last Sunday before Lent begins. Traditionally, the sweet stuff, including the yummy things which accompany pancakes, gets used up before a Lenten period of restraint and fasting. The idea is not to make us all miserable, but to remind us of what Jesus gave up for love of us, which is good news. For many, it’s also a time for contemplation and praying, which we’re offering with a prayer table available in church each Tuesday morning during Lent. And even if Lent turns out to be hard work, it does not last forever. It ends with Easter (which may be the answer that minister was hoping to receive and share that Tuesday night). Trevor Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
God of compassion, through your Son Jesus Christ you have reconciled the world to yourself. As we follow his example, may we obey you with willing hearts and serve others in holy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Based upon a prayer from Alternative Service Book of the Anglican Church of Canada, 1985.
Worship Sunday 2nd March 10.30amService led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison, focusing on what the resurrection of Jesus means for us
Livestream of morning services from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
Sunday 9th March 10.30 a.m. Communion service, led by the Revd Dr Trevor Jamison,
Bible readings
Exodus 34:29-35 Moses’s appearance transformed by meeting God
Psalm 99 Follow in the steps of Moses – worship God!
2 Cor 3:12-4:2 “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”
Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) Jesus is transfigured on the mountain
Reflection on the Readings
‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’ (2 Cor 3:17) Freedom from what? If you had asked people in the time of Moses (Exodus 34) I imagine they would have said, “freedom from slavery.” After all, that had been their experience in Egypt, but God had granted them freedom, even if freedom involved a long, hard journey to a better place. “Freedom from oppression” might also have been one answer from the disciples who followed Jesus, experiencing the reality of being annexed by the Roman Empire. And if we asked people from Gaza and Israel, Russia and Ukraine, that same question today, how might they answer? Perhaps for us, ones who are fortunate not to be economically or politically enslaved, nor the targets of bomb or bullet, there are different priorities – freedom in our personal, family or community relationships for example. In 2 Cor 3:18 Paul writes of ‘all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of God,’ and that this it is God who enables this, ‘for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.’ Whoever we are, for God, we have equal worth; God wants to know each one of us. Acknowledging our equal status before God gives us freedom to question and challenge anyone who would see as less worthy than them, in any and all settings. It also reminds us to treat those others as we would want to be treated ourselves. Image: Gian Lorenzo Bernini “Dove of the Holy Spirit”, St Peter’s basilica, Vatican City. Photo by Dnalor_01 – Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Don’t Get a Parking Ticket at Church! Recently, a contractor working within the church whose vehicle was parked in the loading bay was served with a Penalty Charge Notice. The bay, together with those outside the Baptist Church and Salvation Army may only be used for loading or unloading of materials, equipment, or persons with mobility difficulties, or by vehicles forming part of a wedding or funeral cortege. Apparently, cars are allowed 5 minutes, and contractors vehicles 20 minutes. Enforcement of the regulation has begun following extensive abuse of the loading bays and footways (mainly in Howard Street) by vehicles parked for long periods. (Vehicles being used by persons holding a ‘Blue Badge’ and not causing an obstruction, may park on double yellow lines in the area for up to three hours, and may park in the parking bays where a charge is normally made, without charge for an unlimited period as long as the badge is properly displayed.) Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash
“The Whole Easter Story” – first conversation on Thursday 6th March For those who have ordered a book via the church, these should arrive this coming week. For those who wish to take part in group discussions, in addition to their personal reading each week, the first in-person meeting is at St Columba’s this coming Thursday.There will also be six discussion group sessions, taking place on Thursday evenings at St Columba’s URC, starting March 6th, then repeated on the following Mondays at 2.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s URC, Monkseaton, and 7.15 pm. that night on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86571067099 (Image: Bible reading fellowship / A Rocha)
Two World Day of Prayer services on Friday 7th March
Two ecumenical services on Friday 7th March. – 2.00pm, at St Joseph’s Church, Wallsend Road. Chirton, North Shields, and 7.30pm, at the Methodist Church, Broadway, Cullercoats, NE30 3LJ. Everyone is welcome at either service. Light refreshments will be available after both services.
A reminder that tickets for the Soup and Sandwich lunch with bingo are now on sale. The price is £7.00. The event is on Saturday 8th March at 1.00 p.m. See Norma M to buy your tickets
Celebration Events at URC St Cuthbert’s centre on Holy Island, 20-23 March
The United Reformed Church on Holy island is offering a series of story-telling, music-making, and environmental workshop events, plus an archive exhibition and a concert by Christian folk duo, Celtish https://www.soundsofwonder.org/artists/celtish/ For more information about the events see HERE and the Celtish concert see HERE.
Next Update – Sunday 9th March
Please get your information to Trevor Jamison by Tuesday 4th March.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.