30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #49: Sunday 7th March 2021 (Third Sunday of Lent)
From the Minister Not So Meek and Mild
All four Gospels report the occasion when Jesus ‘cleansed’ the temple by driving out people doing business on the premises. It happened towards the end of Jesus’s ministry, but John places it near the beginning of his Gospel, to emphasize how important this was. Jesus never condemned anyone for making money, as such, though he did have views about what you do with the money you make. What made him angry here was that making money was displacing worship and prayer, which was what a temple was for. There’s a lesson here for churches (and maybe other organizations too). As we emerge from lockdown, how will we make sure to focus on the things we are here to do, and not allow some other activity or value to take centre stage? After all, who wants to get Jesus angry?
If you want to join a service or other meeting, online or by phone, and are unsure about how to do so, please contact Mathew Hall (07792 782647) who will talk you through the process.
To receive a copy of the hymn book, Rejoice and Sing, contact Alison Drew.
To request paper copies of orders of service in the weeks when the service is led by the Minister or members from Saint Columba’s, please contact Trevor Jamison.
Television BBC1 Sunday Worship for Lent 11.30 a.m. BBC1 Songs of Praise 1.15 p.m.
DISCLAIMER: TV and Radio schedules can change, so check the timings are correct!
Bible readings for this week:
Exodus 20:1-17 God speaks ten words we take as commandments
Psalm 19 God at work in the structures of creation and the law
1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Christ, the power and wisdom of God
John 2:13-22 Jesus has a clear out in the Jerusalem temple
If you asked me which verses of the Bible that I think are sadly neglected, I would include the Ten Commandments. In former times they were displayed on walls inside the churches. They’re not so popular nowadays, perhaps being seen as authoritarian and/or negative – all those ‘nots’. Reading God’s ten ‘words’ (20:1) in such a narrow way does not do them justice, or help us live our lives. Better to follow the tradition that says, ‘so if that’s what forbidden, what does it suggest I should do, and in what settings?’ So, for example, I know I should not take without permission. Perhaps I should also give to those in need without thought of return.
Jesus, finding a place of worship in danger of turning into a marketplace, is angered. This hymn is not afraid to talk about Jesus as ‘raging in the street’
We are sorry to inform you of the death of our fellow church member Sylvia Carr, who had a long association with St Columba’s.
Her funeral is due to be conducted by Trevor Jamison, with details of that to follow.
Easter Hearts
For Easter, we are all encouraged to make a heart, by knitting or drawing, or copying from the computer. Then we place it in our windows to show the love of Jesus Christ. We would like to place hearts around the rails of the garden at Church – we have a pattern!!!! If you would like to knit a heart, please let Shirley McKay or Norma McAvoy know. It would look lovely.
Palms and Passion: Arriving in the City, Going to the Cross
Thursdays at 7.15 p.m. FOUR sessions, led by Trevor Jamison, following the story as it’s told in Mark’s Gospel. In Week 3 (4th March) we talk about prayer, betrayal, and naked fear (Mark 14:32-52).
Our AGM will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 21st April, at 7.15 p.m. This will include the election of Elders. Closing date for nominations for Elders election: Monday 22nd March – names to Alison Drew. Induction of Elders will take place during morning worship on Sunday 2nd May.
St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation
on Saturdays at 10.00 a.m.
Meet friends for conversation and company, online or by phone.