30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #24: Sunday 30th August 2020
From the Minister, or this week, John
Trevor is on 2 weeks leave as present, hopefully the weather will be kind to him, and to us. One of the ‘great’ things about UK weather is that it is changeable. We cannot be sure what will happen next. We did have some lovely settled weather at the beginning of ‘Lockdown’ but it has really changed since hasn’t it?
As we go through life we look for and expect a degree of reliability and constancy from people around us but when we don’t get it, we are disappointed. At times of crisis there is a banding together for mutual support, an acknowledgement of those we rely on and a realisation of our communal and personal failings. None of us can achieve what God has called us to do without being faithful, reliable and constant to Him, so as members of His church we need to acknowledge our reliance on Him and those who are keeping us together as a fellowship.
Lord, every day brings new challenges and changes to our plans and expectations. Help us to see Your footsteps beside us and feel Your arm of support around us as we venture into the unknown. May we remember all those who are wary about their next step, and those who face a whole new life under different circumstances. We praise You for Your constancy, reliability, mercy and love for us, especially when we don’t deserve it, You are amazing, a wonderful Counsellor, mighty God, everlasting Father and Prince of Peace!! We can only respond in our praise, dedication and service for You, Our Lord and God. Amen
Worship in the church buildings for Sunday 6th August – BOOK YOUR PLACE!
There are two Sunday services in our building, one at 10.00 a.m. and one at one at 11.15 a.m. The content of each service is the same, lasting for approximately thirty minutes. Up to thirty people are allowed at each service.
To be able to attend you must contact Alison Drew between Monday morning and midday on the Friday in the week before the service. (Contact details below.)
Please note, the government requires that you must wear a face covering when taking part in worship in England.
To view or listen to a recording of the service on 23rd August click here.
To take Trevor’s place, even in this task, is a test of my abilities I feel. What do I write and how much? Will it be good enough to interest the reader? Thankfully I am not standing in for God, no-one can do that job but we are all encouraged to meet His criteria, we can all be called upon by Him to carry out a task. Who knows when He will decide to call another Moses to save His people, He knows we need saving from ourselves. Moses is challenged by God’s mission, David needs to know he is good enough for God, Paul tests our love for each other and Peter is tested and found wanting. I wonder how we could stand up to God’s testing before He gives us an important job for Him?
For further reflections and prayers relating to the readings, whether we can trust what people tell us, click here.
St Columba’s Coffee and Conversation – Saturday 22nd August at 10.00 a.m.
Join the conversation on the day by clicking here.
Meeting ID: 829 6692 6423, Password: 363288
To join by telephone, dial this local rate number: 0131 460 1196
Don’t forget, you’re allowed to invite friends along to take part in the conversation!
Online Prayer Gathering on Sunday 30th August at 6.30 p.m.
A thirty-minute opportunity for prayer together and hand it all to God, including learning a shared signed-response to some prayers.
To join, when the time comes click here.
Meeting ID: 812 3436 7441 Password: 324836
Bible Exploration Meetings
Bible exploration meetings are taking a break for August, returning in September.
And now for a few items from other sources for your interest!
From our friends at St Andrews recent e-News, a thought for you in these strange days
My husband and I went shopping with masks. He wandered off but I found him again. Got home, took masks off. Brought home wrong husband. Stay alert people!
From the recent Synod e-News… (which of course you can find at this link) there are many other gems in the online version.
Letter from our Moderator, Revd David Herbert
Dear friends,
I am writing in circumstances where the situation around us continues to fluctuate with the pandemic, and we continue to make adjustments as individuals, families, congregations, and communities.
Uncertainty lies around the planning of holidays, arrangements with family visits, when and where we need to wear masks, whether we can truly begin to relax a little and explore this new normal – maybe fitting in what we can while there’s an apparent lull before a second wave. Read more
…and an appeal from St George’s Heaton Church
Solomon, an Elder at St George’s URC, High Heaton, is continuing to collect goods for Uganda, and is hoping to fill another shipping container. He is appealing for the following items: Clothes for all ages; shoes; bric a brac; household goods. If you have any items you’d like to donate, please could you bring them to St George’s URC, Boundary Gardens, High Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7AA on Saturday 12th September between10 am and 4pm.Solomon will take them away immediately: there will be no access to the church or hall. If you are unable to bring your donations then, Solomon can collect them-just phone on 07476 456755.
St Columba’s has previously donated hymn books and Bibles to this cause and everything is very gratefully received.
Keeping in Touch – Your contact details
If your contact details (address, telephone or email) change please make sure to inform our Church Secretary Alison Drew.
You can contact your designated Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.