30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update # 206 – 9th June 2024
From the Minister What’s In A Name? Mosely, Hunt’s Cross, Finchfield, Billingham, Lincoln, North Shields, Oxford, and York: what do they have in common? They all have a URC congregation named after Saint Columba. Yes, June 9th is Saint Columba’s Day! Born in Ireland, where he is often known as Colmcille, Columba (521-597) came to Iona, founding the abbey there, as well as travelling across Scotland as a missionary evangelist. Monks from his abbey in Iona, such as Aidan, subsequently brought Christianity into Northumbria. I imagine historical links to Scotland account for the significant number of St Columba’s URCs in England. I would like to think that we hang on the name for other reasons as well, including that we want to be like Saint Columba. It’s not claim that we are perfect, “saintly” people (Columba is said to have left Ireland because he was involved in an argument over an unreturned book loan which led to a murder). Rather, claiming connection with this saint suggests that we are up for a faith adventure, wanting to share good news about God’s love made known through Jesus Christ in a new ear, even if we do not have to travel to lands in order to do so. Trevor Saint Columba image from Wiki Commons
Prayer Be thou a bright flame before me, Be thou a guiding star above me, Be thou a smooth path below me, Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me, Today, tonight, and for ever. Amen. (A prayer attributed to Saint Columba, 521-597)
A hymn from Saint Columba ‘Christ is the World’s Redeemer’ – attributed to Saint Columba (521-597) click here
Worship Sunday 9th June – Saint Columba’s Day! 10.30 a.m. A communion service led by Mr John Drew and Mrs Liz Morrell
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
Sunday 16th June 10.30 a.m.A service led by the Revd Louise Sanders, minister at St Andrew’s URC, Monkseaton
Bible readings
Genesis 3:8-15 Trying to put the blame on others does not fool God
Psalm 130 God is a forgiving God
2 Corinthians 4:31-5:1 ‘We do not lose heart’ since we can rely on God
Mark 3:20-35 Jesus’s family find his behaviour challenging
Reflection on the Readings
The reading from Mark’s Gospel is a very challenging one for it questions the primary importance of our biological family in our lives. Jesus is in the midst of a dispute with some scribes from Jerusalem who are suggesting that his healing ministry is demonically inspired, not heavenly. (3:22) Jesus is in the midst of refuting that by arguing that Satan would not empower someone to cast out demons – that would be like a kingdom declaring war on itself. (3:23-24) And at this point Jesus’s family turn up, not to support him in his ministry, but to restrain him. (3:21) Maybe they thought he was possessed. When Jesus is told that his family want to speak to him (3:31-32) he won’t speak to them. In fact, he declares that the people sat around him are his family: ‘here are my mother and my brothers.’ (3:34) The good news is that whoever we are Jesus regards us as family. The more challenging news is that even before we are members of our biological family we are members of his family. Family tree image by Clker-Free-Vector-Imagesfrom Pixabay
A hymn that responds to the reflection ‘Who is my mother, who is my brother, all those who gather round Jesus Christ, Spirit born people born from the Gospel, sit at the table round Jesus Christ’ by Shirley Erena Murray click here
News and Notices
Café 2.21 Break
We will be closed for 2 weeks’ holiday on 4th and 11th June, and will re-open on Tuesday 18th June.
New screen system being installed at Saint Columba’s this month
After a long story of obtaining financial support and finding the best suppliers, our upgraded screen system is being installed in the church this month. Installation should take place during the week beginning Monday 10th June. During the following week we’ll be testing them, and our tech team will be getting used to them (and those attending the Church Meeting on 18th June might get a sneak preview). Then, providing all goes to plan, we will begin using them in worship on June 23rd.
Get Crafting for Greenbelt
Last year, many of you made Kintsugi hearts for the URC marquee at the Greenbelt Festival, taking place in August. So I’m asking for your help again, please.
Be a part of the URC’s presence at this year’s Greenbelt festival, entitled ‘Dream On’, even if you can’t be there in person. Show us what your dreams for yourself, for the Church and for the world are by designing a 15 x 15cm square. Knit, crochet, make a patchwork square or even draw. All the squares will be joined together to make one massive quilt of dreams. To find out more, click here. The squares need to be with me by Sunday 7th July at the latest so that I can send them on to be sewn together. Liz M.
Next Update – Sunday 16th June
John Drew will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 12th June
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.