30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #192 – 25th February 2024
2nd Sunday of Lent
From the Minister In the year 2074 … Last week I took part in a meeting looking at the future of churches. First, our leader invited us to look back to the world of fifty years ago. Alarmingly, that’s 1974! We recollected flared trousers, rusty cars, the Osmonds and the Bay City Rollers, and lots of strikes. Then we envisioned the world in fifty years’ time (2074): more technologically connected, India as a superpower, population movements and an altered climate. Next we recollected the Church 1974: more people, numerous activities, lots of families and young people, declining in numbers but little feeling of crisis. Then we thought about what Church should look like in 2074: still here, focused on knowing and sharing the gospel message, using the technology of the day, less often based in special church buildings. Finally, we were invited to include our vision for the Church in 2074 in how we plan and decide to use our resources in 2024. It’s refreshing to make plans together for the Church when most (or all) of you in the room have no vested interests to argue over since you will not be there when these plans come to fruition. You feel freed to plan for the right, exciting thing. I’m hopeful that the Church will be here in fifty years, though ‘Church’ will look different to today. Also, I’m certain that God will still be here in fifty years’ time. I wonder what would happen in the here and now if we started planning for church life in North Shields in fifty years’ time? Trevor Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay
PrayerHoly and eternal God, give us such trust in your sure purpose, that we measure our lives not by what we have done or failed to do, but by our faithfulness to you.
Amen. Prayer from the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
Worship Sunday 25th February – 2nd in Lent
10.30 a.m. A service led by Mr Charles Jolly, from Durham, on the theme, ‘Caring About Creation’
6.30 p.m. Our February ‘last Sunday of the month’ evening service, led by Dr Ann Sinclair, from St Andrew’s URC, Monkseaton
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services,
10.30 a.m. A service led by Trevor Jamison – “Caring About Community”. At this service we welcome Joel from North Tyneside Council, answering questions posed by our church Eco Team about what happens to the items that go into our recycling.
Bible readingsGenesis 17:1-7,15,16 God says Abram will be ‘the ancestor of a multitude of nations’
Psalm 22:23-31 God rules over the nations
Romans 4:13-25 Abram believed God on the basis of faith, not circumstances
Mark 8:31-38 Jesus tells the disciples that he will suffer and die
Reflection on the Readings
For dominion belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations.’ (Psalm 22:28) ‘Your God is Too Small’ is a book that was written in the 1950s. It invited believers to reexamine their image of God, as does Psalm 22. We talk lots about the good news that God relates to each of us individually, but the psalmist won’t leave it there. As far as they are concerned God also relates to us as peoples, as nations. In the Genesis reading God relates to individuals, Abram and Sarai. They are promised children, but repeatedly and ultimately the promise is that they will be the ancestors of ‘a multitude of nations.’ (17: 4, 5) And note that it’s ‘nations’ plural. Relationship with God is not just about any one individual or even any one nation. It’s wider than that. Then to return to Psalm 22:28, note that God has ‘dominion’ over the nations. It’s hard to hear the word ‘dominion’ and not think about dominion over the world, over this small part of creation. God relates to individuals, to nations, and to this world. So our response to God’s care for us this should include the personal, the social, and the environmental aspects of life. Image by Dorothe from Pixabay
Our Lent conversations begin this coming week: stories based on the events of Holy Week, told from the perspective of four women who were there, or could have been there. Do take part, either in-person or online We start with ‘Miriam’ who is on pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover festival, when she gets caught up in a procession into the city. Image: Church House Publishing / Ally Barrett
In-person meetings St Andrew’s URC Monkseaton: Mondays at 2pm – Feb 26, March 4, 11, 18 St Columba’s URC North Shields: Thursdays at 7.15pm – Feb 29, March 7, 14, 21 Online meetings via Zoom Mondays from 7.15pm – Feb 26, March 4, 11, 18 For Zoom link, click here
The World Day of Prayer is taking place at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Farringdon Road, Marden, North Shields, NE30 3EY on Friday 1st March at 2.00 pm, and then at Cullercoats Methodist Church, Broadway, North Shields, NE30 3LJ at 7.30 pm. There is a poster in the Hall for more information.
Pie and Pea Lunch – Saturday 23rd March at 1.00 p.m.
Our church Social Events team (SET) are busy planning for events in 2024. The next one is a pie and pea lunch on Saturday 23rd March at 1.00 p.m., to include a game of bingo and an Easter raffle. Tickets will be on sale soon, priced at £8.00.
Next Update – Sunday 3rd March 2024
Trevor Jamison will edit the next Update. Please get your information to him by Tuesday 27th February.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.