30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW Weekly Update #170 10th September 2023
From Andrew Education Sunday September is here, and things are getting back into gear after the summer break. Children will have started their new school term last week. Fittingly, today is marked by Churches Together in England as Education Sunday.
When the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church met in July this year, members voted on resolution 11 in Paper B1 from the Children’s & Youth Work Committee. In doing so, Assembly explicitly recognised the work of many people in local churches among children, young people and families as ministry in itself. It is good to know that the whole Church celebrates the gifts, time and energy that are shared to introduce and journey with children and young people in faith in Jesus. Those helping to run Junior Church, Messy Church, Parents & Toddlers, and all our uniformed organisations have a key role in nurturing us as we grow and learn more about ourselves, life and faith.
Father God, at the start of a new school year, we pray for all teachers and learners. May they start each day clothed in your light. May we all keep on learning, growing in wisdom, and inspired to use what we learn to help others. Amen.
(Adapted from Churches Together in England)
WORSHIP SERVICE THIS SUNDAY – Sunday 10th September 10.30amat church A Communion service led by John Drew.
NEXT WEEK – Sunday 17th September 10.30 a.m. at church A service led by a worship team.
THE FOLLOWING WEEK – Sunday 24 September 10.30 a.m. at church A service led by Trevor Jamison.
Livestreamed Worship from Saint Columba’s
To watch the morning service live, catch up with it later in the week, or view previous services, click here
Bible readings for this week (from the Revised Common Lectionary)
Exodus 12: 1-14 The feast of Passover is established
Psalm 149 Sing a new song to God, who gives victory in battle
Ezekiel 33: 7-11 God send the prophet to warn Israel to repent of its sins
Psalm 119: 33-40 A prayer for wisdom in how to live a good life
Romans 13: 8-14 Love your neighbour, for the day of salvation is near
Matthew 18: 15-20 How to resolve disputes between Christians
I have given both the continuous and related sets of Old Testament readings from today’s lectionary, but my focus is on Psalm 119 and Romans 13.
The psalmist presents as a keen student, ready to learn. Their yearning is not so much for knowledge, but for wisdom. They long to learn how to live a good life. They are not looking to please themselves, but to please God. There is a youthful enthusiasm and commitment here, and a delight in living your best life every day (119: 35), but let’s remember that learning is for everyone!
The passage from Romans follows one about paying your taxes, and urges us to fulfil our mutual debt of love to our neighbours (13: 8). Living in community, both with fellow Christians and in the wider world, our rule of thumb is to love our neighbours (13:10). This sums up all the other rules. Paul writes that the day of Jesus is dawning, so we need to put on our day clothes (even armour to get us through struggles), living out our faith as Christians (13: 11-12).
The Treasurer of the United Reformed Church has written thanking church members for their continued giving. Click here to read it.
Salvation Army Concert – 23rd September
The Salvation Army in North Shields is 145 years old, and as part of the celebrations, the International Staff Band of The Salvation Army will perform a musical concert on Saturday 23rd September at 7.00 p.m. at the Salvation Army Hall in Howard Street (tickets £10.00). They will also lead the Salvation Army worship meeting on Sunday 24th at 10 a.m. and then provide another festival of music on Sunday afternoon at 1.30pm (admission free on Sunday).
Trevor Jamison will be on holiday until 18th September. If you have a concern which is both significant and pressing, please contact the Church Secretary, Alison Drew in the first instance.
Next Update – Sunday 24th September
There will be noUpdate next week. Trevor Jamison will edit the Update for the following week. To get your information in both the online and printed editions, please have it with him by Tuesday 20th September.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.