30 Northumberland Square | North Shields | NE30 1PW
Weekly Update #111 5th June 2022
From the Minister A Right Royal Jubilee My father began work when he was fourteen years old and retired when he was sixty-five: fifty-one years in employment. That’s not unusual for those of his generation. Born one year later than my father, HM Queen Elizabeth has been in her role for seventy years, and she is still working. I don’t suppose she ever envisaged that she would reign for so long. Whatever your views on monarchy, whether ultra-royalist, convinced republican, or something in between, there’s no doubt that Queen Elizabeth has been a figure of continuity for this nation, through seven decades of many changes in an ever-changing world,. It’s not the length of Her Majesty’s service, though, that inspires respect, even if it impresses. What inspires respect – and gratitude – among many is how her reign has been characterised by service to the nation rather than expecting to be served by the nation. We’re so used to that approach from our Queen that we could easily forget it might have been otherwise. So that’s a good reason to say, ‘thank you’ and to celebrate this platinum jubilee.
Trevor Image: From Wikipedia: Credit Joel Rouse/UK Ministry of Defence
Prayer (See Luke 22:24-30)
Sovereign God, through your Son, Jesus Christ you remind us that we are not to lord It over others, in the way that some monarchs are prone to do. Thank you for the service of Queen Elizabeth. May it be an example to us, encouraging us to serve others, so becoming great in your kingdom. Amen.
10.30 a.m. service at church Marking the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth
A service led by Trevor Jamison, including hymns relevant to the occasion, and followed by a ‘Faith Lunch’ – bring food for yourself and to share with another. If you forget to bring something there will still be enough to go around!
Please note – no Traidcraft stall in the hall this week, but it will be back on the 12th
6.30 pm Zoom Communion Service – Worship for Pentecost
A service led by Trevor Jamison, celebrating the Holy Spirit at work in the Church and the World
Join Zoom Meeting, Click Here.
To join by phone: 131 460 1196
Meeting ID: 870 1350 2043
NEXT WEEK – Sunday 12th June
10.30 a.m. service at church A communion service, led by John Drew
Bible readings for this week Bible readings for this week
Acts 2:1-21 The Day of Pentecost – understanding many languages
Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower of Babel – confused by many languages
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b ‘When you send forth your spirit, they are created’
Romans 8:14-17 Children of God are led by the Spirit of God
John 14:8-17 (25-27) The Holy Spirit as an Advocate and Teacher
Nobody leaves the place until we find the lost verse
Jimmy Duante (1920-1972) was an American actor, comedian, singer and pianist. One song I remember hearing on radio during my childhood, was his performance of ‘I’m the Guy Who Found the Lost Chord.’ In the song, the person playing his piano discovers ‘the lost chord’, notes which have eluded the great composers over the years. When he tries to play it once more, however, the chord has been lost. Durante exclaims, ‘nobody leaves this place until we find the lost chord.’ This line comes to my mind because in one of today’s readings we have ‘lost’ half a verse; the first half of Psalm 104:35. Why did those who chose the reading decide to leave out half a verse? Psalm 104 praises God as our creator and provider. Verse thirty-four proclaims ‘I rejoice in the LORD’ and the second half of the following and final verse of the psalm, ‘Bless the LORD, O my soul. Praise the LORD!’ (104:35b) But look what’s been left out: ‘Let sinners be consumed from the earth, and let the wicked be no more.’ (104:35a) Maybe the lectionary compilers didn’t like to have nasty thoughts about other people. Maybe they were afraid that they themselves are numbered among sinners and the wicked. I’m not keen on leaving out verses from the Bible because we find them uncomfortable. I think it is better to be confronted with them, so discovering something we might otherwise have missed. In this case, I’m reminded that God has worked to remove sinfulness and wickedness from the earth, not through inflicting violence and pain, but through offering love and self-sacrifice; transforming sinners into saved, and the wicked into the righteous.
Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay
A hymn that responds to the readings
‘Tis mercy all, immense and free’ – Charles Wesley’s hymn, And Can It Be Here, led by the group, Emu Music, at the Keswick Convention, 2020
Thank you to you all for your donations towards the work of Christian Aid. Including a collection from two streets, the sum of £600 has been raised.
No Longer Jew or Greek, Slave or Free, Male and Female…
Third meeting – Tuesday on Zoom, Thursday in-person
The third and final our three meetings, exploring and celebrating being diverse people, united in one Church – Tuesdays on Zoom, repeated in-person on Thursdays – led by Trevor Jamison
Tuesday 7th / Thursday 9th June at 7.15 p.m. Male and Female (John 4:1-30, 39-43)
In the heat of the day, an unnamed Samaritan woman has to trek to a well for water. There, a Jewish man, called Jesus, asks her for a drink of water. They have a discussion concerning water, and religious and ethnic differences. This leads to her becoming an evangelist for Jesus (and her relationships with men are no barrier to that). Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Meetings on Zoom, Tuesday May 24th, 31st and June 7th at 7.15 p.m.
To Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86830082761
Meeting ID: 868 3008 2761 To join by phone: 0131 460 1196 Meetings in-person, Thursday May 26th and June 2nd and 9th at 7.15 p.m.
at Saint Columba’s United Reformed Church, North Shields
Saturday 2nd July – Trip to Beamish
URC Northern Synod are gathering together to give thanks to God for 50 years of the United Reformed Church which was founded in 1972.
Enjoy a day at Beamish Museum and come and join us to celebrate in the Marquee.
There will be things to make, a picnic lunch, tea and birthday cake and a service of celebration suitable for all ages
You can pop in to the marquee at any time to do crafts, spend time at prayer stations and engage in activities for every age but we will have picnic lunch together from midday and then a service of thanksgiving at 3pm.
There is no charge for the event, but tickets must be booked in advance A list will be placed on the noticeboard in the Church Hall for anyone interested in going to Beamish. Please put your name on the list if you would like to go. Alison Drew is organising the booking for St Columba’s, so please do not book directly with Northern Synod. If enough people sign up, by June 19th,transport will be organised.
Next Week’s Update
Next week’s Update will be edited by Trevor Jamison. To get your information in both the online and printed editions please have it with him by Tuesday.
Keeping in Touch
You can contact your Elder, the Minister, or Church Secretary.