Mothering Sunday was a little different this year at St Columba’s. In our all-age morning service on 11 March, we began by thinking about the things that plants need to grow: water, sunshine and food. Then we reflected that we too need these things, along with love, time for each other, and sometimes to say […]
Good Friday
After last year’s heavy rain, we were blessed this Good Friday with glorious warm sunshine! Our ecumenical open air service was a little different this year. Members from four of our churches gave reflections on the stations of the cross, as we journeyed around the town centre, starting with worship in Northumberland Square, then stopping […]
As part of our morning service on Sunday 8 November, we brought forward poppy crosses in memory of church members who had been killed in the two world wars. The service was made up of a series of short readings and reflections by several members of the congregation, looking towards the ultimate vision of a […]
Remembering All Saints
All Saints’ Day fell on a Sunday this year, and so our morning worship on 1 November included a remembrance of the saints who have gone before us, and in particular dearly-loved members and friends of our church who have passed away. As part of the service, we were invited to come forward and light […]
Japan Jamboree
One of our Scouts took part in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan this summer. Thomas returned to tell the church about this amazing experience, and to thank us for our support. During the morning service on 18 October, he gave a very interesting presentation on this event. Thomas attended as part of a […]