At St Columba’s, we have celebrated Holy Week with a series of services and events.
There was evening communion on Maundy Thursday, remembering the first Last Supper.
On Good Friday, the weather stayed fair for Churches Together’s open air services and procession of witness from Northumberland Square to Bedford Street and back. We heard messages from civic guests, the story of the day from St Mark’s Gospel, and a time of silent reflection on Jesus’ last words from the cross. Messy Church followed in the church hall, with lots of Easter-themed craft activities.
On Easter Sunday, we celebrated with three communion services, the early one being led by our Synod Moderator, Revd Dave Herbert, followed by a fairtrade breakfast. At our main morning service, we decorated a wooden cross with seasonal daffodils, and heard reflections on the three women finding the empty tomb on the first Easter morning. Christ is risen indeed, and accepting that can change our lives and change the world!