On Easter Sunday, St Columba’s held three services: a shared breakfast with Communion, an all-age Communion, and online evening worship reflecting on the story of Jesus’ appearance at Emmaus on that first Easter evening.
Our church garden was decorated with spring flowers for the weekend, and a large wooden cross was greened with daffodils by members of the congregation during the main morning service.
On the railings facing Northumberland Square, a banner of four pictures from the Easter story was hung. They had been produced by members of the congregation during four sessions of thoughtful art in Lent, led by our student minister, Roberta. Easter proved an appropriate culmination of her placement with St Columba’s, as the various threads of her work came together. The banner shows: Jesus rising from the tomb, appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, showing his wounds to Thomas, and sharing breakfast with the disciples by the Sea of Galilee.